Zeenia Junkeer is a board certified Naturopathic Physician working in Morne Rouge Haiti
providing care to reduce fetal, neonatal, child and maternal death rates.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reusable lunch baggies! Hooray!

While browsing at a local children's store I happened upon the most ingenious (long overdue) item ever. They are cloth reusable instead-of-plastic-baggies, lunch 'sacks". They come in many colors and they have a water resistant completely sealed inside so you can carry things such as cut up fruit, salad (to be later placed on a plate), chips, sandwiches...and the list goes on and on. I purchased 2 and I have been using them for any and everything I can think of. I feel better about having my food clothed in non-harmful chemicals, I LOVE that the baggies are not sitting in some landfill waiting for the extinction of the human race to happen before they themselves leave and best of all, I can wash them in the dishwasher or by hand (my preference)! I think as we move towards outlawing plastic grocery bags we should consider moving away from a plastic lunch bag world as well.
Another big HOORAY for healthier, cleaner, more sustainable lunches!

Friday, June 11, 2010

My baby will eat beef.

There is much debate as to when to introduce certain foods to your babies, including when to begin grains, fruits, veggies and meats. The latter has been something we did not discuss much in my Pediatrics class (was this because the teacher was a vegetarian?? One may never know). We know that traditionally babies begin to lose their iron stores between 6-9 months and are usually tested at their 9 month check up and supplemented if they are severely anemic or otherwise moms are asked to increase iron rich foods into their diet. Now there are really excellent vegetarian sources of iron, including but definitely NOT limited to; bean and legumes, fortified cereals, tofu and leafy greens. But what if your child is already eating tons of leafy greens and you are hesitant to begin with tofu (since sadly, 99% of soy is now genetically modified) and they won't put a bean anywhere near their mouths? Well, you feed them good old grass fed, organic, local meat! Make sure it is cooked thoroughly and pureed to an appropriate consistency unless they have a mouthful of pearly whites. I believe that introducing meat between 7-9 months is seemingly natural as children's iron stores are depleting by this age  Many parents would rather feed their children whole foods over'fortified' grains which are actually more pro-inflammatory in some kiddos and elicit a greater antibody response than meats as well.
Hmmm...food for thought.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Vitamin D...not just something you get from the sun anymore

The latest research on Vitamin D reveals that it is linked to an array of conditions, aknowleding the need to be tested and supplemented if that is what your physician recommends. The following links are to great articles discussing the role of vitamin D and your health. Worth a little look-see...

Role of Vitamin D in Cardiovascular disease

Vitamin D's role in hair disorders

Decreased vitamin D possibly linked to hypertension

Vitamin D and pre-Diabetes
