Zeenia Junkeer is a board certified Naturopathic Physician working in Morne Rouge Haiti
providing care to reduce fetal, neonatal, child and maternal death rates.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cool new project, thanks Lantern Moon!

This last week has been relatively slow here at MBH...well at least for me that is. There were two babies born within a few hours of each other on Wednesday night, one was the largest so far at 9lbs 6oz. I am recognizing that births really do come in waves as we will have 2-4 ladies come in within a few days of each other and then a little down time. I don't know much about moon cycles but man, when there is a full moon it seems we see many more women in labor.

I have been taking some time to organize my new life here, I moved into my own room which has been wonderful...I really took for granted privacy and alone time! I am also beginning to write an orientation manual and some other matierals for volunteers and for the next N.D. who will take over as there is so much to know about working here that you would only fully understand if you read it or lived it. I hope it makes the transition easier for all.

Another really cool project in the wings was created by one of my oldest and dearest friends Sean. He works for a company called Lantern Moon (http://www.lanternmoon.com/) which sells handcrafted goods, specifically knitting goods but has also branched out with other beautiful items. Most of the items are made by groups in resource poor areas which is an amazing way to help many of these countries as well to give hope to those who have been marginalized for most of their lives. Sean and the owners at Lantern Moon who are simply fantastic have put together a really neat bag with the Mama Baby Haiti logo on it to sell at trade shows with proceeds benefiting MBH! It was a great idea and I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful friend who is going out of his way to help this organization. The work we do here is so important and cannot be done without funding. All services here are free and we would like to keep them that way! Thank you Sean and Lantern Moon, you rock!!

Other than that, I am just holding down the fort and working on making sure things run smoothly. I am also recovering from the BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine I received on Wednesday which is causing some flu like symptoms. Ahhh, the joys of immunizations :) Worth it though as I plan on working in community and international health care for a long time and TB is one of the diseases that is prevalent in many areas of the world that need care. I will continue to take my vitamins and relax and hope this blows over soon.
Dieula our amazing cook with Dr. Sarah, Dr. Sean and Monise, one of our other fantastic staff members.

My Haitian family with Marie our midwife and Santo the head translator.

Jason our guard and resident Spanish speaker

Our amazing staff, we like to call them 'family'.

What a spread for the going away party!! Everyone pitched in and it was delicious!!

Last trip to the beach with Dr. Sarah and Dr. Sean....

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